Custom CE events and consultation

Operating an ABA practice of any size takes up all of your time and then some. There may not be enough hours in a day or enough hands on deck to operate the business aspects and ensure your providers are receiving their supervision hours with enough time to accrue their minimum CE credits. That’s where Strive! Behavior Consulting comes in to assist ABA organizations. 

Custom CE events

Motivate your team with a custom continuing education (CE) event created and hosted by an experienced and passionate BCBA. 

Before your BCBA staff starts to “burnout”, enlist the help of Strive!. Your behavior technician staff will thrive from well-rounded guidance, your supervision staff will truly appreciate the help, and your turnover rate will improve. 

BCBA Support

Ready to motivate your team?

Book a free consultation with one of our veteran BCBAs and we’ll start building your custom program.